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Old 02-16-2009, 02:10 AM   #15
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Re: Cramps between the shoulder blades below the neck...

I only tucked under the shield for a minute or so, to see what it felt like wind wise.

But the rest of the time, I am leaning forward a bit. Sometimes more so than others. Given the geometry of the bike, I am not sure I can consistently sit straight up. But I can certainly give it a try next time out.

I think I know what my traps are (I work them out with dumbbell shrugs, right? And, for the record, my traps are A) awesome, and B) not what I think hurts.) I looked up rhomboids on Wikipedia (and they sort of look like a continuation of traps...WTF?) but, those DO look like the problem area.

Also, I do appreciate (and listen to) the advice, but you should realize that when a patient argues with you, it's not because we think we know more than you, it's becuase we think you haven't correctly diagnosed our problem. I understand that you have a lot more knowledge in this area, but you will never know my body and my aches and pains as well as I do. I'm not lumping you in with other experiences I've had with doctors, but I will say about half the medical advice I've been given and followed actually has made matters worse, sometimes drastically so. Typically, my worse experiences have resulted from taking a pill instead of focusing on what caused my pain in the first place. (So I'm glad you did not recommend I pop a few Advil!)

Originally, my assumption is that my (rhomboids?) are too weak and perhaps I could strengthen them. Maybe that is not possible or practical. I will see if I can alter my position on the bike (I also suffer a bit from habit - 15 years of "flat back" positioning on the bicycle - a position akin to laying on the gas tank and cranking your head out straight - guess I have to get away from anything remotely close to that now that I'm not using my legs to make the thing go.)

Anybody using ape bars?
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